
brandspace - insight blog - case studies
How case studies will benefit your business
How case studies will benefit your business Testimonials and word of mouth are wonderful to have in your marketing toolbox, but you should never underestimate the value of a detailed case study. What is a case study? A case study...
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Eight tips to increase Twitter engagement
Eight tips to increase Twitter engagement
Eight tips to increase Twitter engagement We often find that clients feel they need to be on every social media platform because ‘everyone else is’. However, it’s important that you choose the right platform for your business and one(s) that...
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Brandspace - 6 advantages of-listing on google business
Six advantages of listing your company on Google Business
Six advantages of listing your company on Google Business Today Google is the go-to search engine for literally everything, but did you know there is also a free local business listing service called Google Business Profile? The listing serves as...
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Why should my organisation be on social media?
The importance of having a business Facebook page vs a personal profile
The importance of having a business Facebook page vs a personal profile One of the questions that crops up the most from our clients is ‘why do I need a business Facebook page, can I not just use a personal...
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Seven blogging tips for business
Seven blogging tips for business
Most businesses know they should be writing blogs to build relationships with their ideal client and drive traffic to their website to enhance Google rankings, but it’s the actual content of the blog that often leaves people staring blankly at...
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Brandspace insight blog - marketing plan 2021
Why a marketing plan is crucial for business success
Your business probably has the ‘all-important’ business plan. But what about your marketing plan? So many companies don’t seem to value the importance of a document that can form a foundation of your business and provide the platform for you...
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Brandspace - marketing and selling
The difference between marketing and selling
There is very often confusion between sales and marketing, and so in this blog we take a look at the differences but also how the two work alongside each other.
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Disney launches its very first Christmas brand campaign
Disney’s very first Christmas brand campaign
Disney's very first Christmas brand campaign Using nostalgia and magic to help children when they need it the most We love a good Christmas advert here at Brandspace and who doesn't love the magic of Disney. Get the tissues ready...
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9 Christmas marketing tips
9 Christmas marketing tips to boost your sales this year
As Christmas approaches people urgently shop to try and find the right present for their loved one and enough food to feed an army! This year will of course be a little bit different…
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Brandspace - 9 email marketing tips
9 email marketing tips to help your business grow
Sending direct emails is a great way to engage with your customers and the beauty is you can contact them directly via their inbox. If used correctly, this form of marketing can build relationships with both current and potential customers…
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