Marketing Consultancy – Advice & Guidance

A little bit of expert guidance can go a long way

Expert marketing advice can save you from wasting your budget in the wrong areas or using the wrong tactics on your target audience. At Brandspace Media we have many years of experience in all aspects of marketing communications, advising and guiding clients through the seemingly infinite marketing channels available in today’s modern world of technology.

Advice doesn’t have to be expensive

There is a misconception that marketing advice can be extremely expensive, but even just a couple of hours spent with one of our experts can be invaluable and give you confidence and reassurance about the direction of your marketing efforts. Just like the fees from a good accountancy firm can be recovered in the savings they make for you, it can work the same way with marketing advice.

Paying for advice is not just for large corporates. In fact, it’s often the smaller companies that need it more but are fearful of costs spiralling. That’s why we have tailored our consultancy services to suit everyone’s individual needs.

The first introductory meeting is free, but thereafter, you can either buy a single hour of consultancy or spend a whole day with us – we are totally flexible.

So how can we help?

Let’s meet up

It starts with an introductory meeting – You can just ask for some one-off marketing advice, or you can engage our services on an hourly rate, project fee or retainer basis – we are totally flexible to your needs. Get in touch by phone or email, or complete the enquiry form.

Let's talk

01227 478605