Annual Report & Accounts for the Port of Dover
We’ve been proudly creating the Port of Dover Annual Report and Accounts for many years running
The Port of Dover is a vast and impressive organisation and every year brings achievements and also new challenges. It is Brandspace that the Port trusts to daily champion the valued brand since we worked on their rebrand in 2014.

Key themes
In order to best illustrate the scale, diversity and impressiveness of the Port’s operations and investments, it was decided that the content would be concise where possible (aside from statutory reporting) but a strong use of powerful photography and imagery will demonstrate a dynamic, confident and future thinking organisation.

Visual approach
As there is a lack of existing photography showing port and marine technology, we proposed taking a conceptual approach and creating that imagery. For this report we would overlay the digital and data/the technological/the analytical and conceptual graphics onto existing Dover port photos to create a theme style unique to the Port of Dover – to demonstrate the Port of Dover’s position as an innovative, powerfully hi-tech, greener and sustainable organisation.

Those details are important
At Brandspace we are typographers. It’s an art and it’s beautiful. There is power and nuance in the rules of great typography – to consider always things like the strong visual hierarchy, the beauty in a well designed table and to finish by making sure all the the widows and orphans are taken care of. You’ll read our reports with ease and not even know why or how the magic is done. We’re always happy to talk about the rules and beauty of great report typography.